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Forum Index -> Docal in English -> Docal General Questions
Migration of Docal database into a new server

Subject: Migration of Docal database into a new server

Due to the age of the server that Docal is presently installed, we need to migrate the installation to virtual server running Windows Server 2012 R2 as soon as possible.
Any instructions or advice you can provide would be gratefully received.
Thank you in advance.




The first recommendation is contacting the IDT support team for assistance. Steps to migrate are described below.

We recommend performing steps 1 to 3 at least one week prior to the actual migration.

We also recommend performing steps 1 to 8 (skipping 6) prior to the actual migration to make a test without disturbing users, so you can get an idea on how much time every step will consume.

Step 7 and 8 will be much faster if performed from the new server (Docal client installation required). Saving the backup in a local drive of the new server is highly recommended.

Steps for migration are:

1) Make sure you've updated to the latest version of Docal and its utilities.

2) Create a shared folder in the new server (like \\NewServer\DocalConfig) and place inside the license file along with the configuration file. The license file is Docal.cfi and your configuration file has a name like YourDatabase.cfp. Both are usually found in the Docal folder in any PC or in an shared folder of the old server.

3) Log in Docal as an administrator, go to menu Administrator / General configuration, look for Force License folder, type in the path to the shared folder (like \\NewServer\DocalConfig) and save changes.

4) Find the Docal utility for database configuration named either as Conexión (Connection) or Configurador de Conexión. You can also find it as file ConexionIDT.exe in the Docal folder.

5) Using the Docal database configuration tool, create a new (empty) database in your new server. This will also create a new configuration file with extension .CFP in the Docal folder (similar to YourEnterprise2.cfp).

6) Go to menu Administrator / General configuration and check Allow users to log in: No. Then, in Docal Explorer go to Connections / Active to make sure you're the only user logged in. When you are, log out.

7) Using the Docal backup tool, create a backup of your current database.

8) Using the same Docal backup tool, restore the previous backup into the new empty database.

9) Use the new configuration file from step 5 to replace the old .CFP file in the shared folder. You can delete the old file and paste the new one or either just replace the old file giving the same name to the new one.

That's everything.

Servicio de Soporte de IDT

Subject: Docal Server Migration

I have followed the steps in your steps for database migration:
“Using the Docal database configuration tool, create a new (empty) database in your new server. This will also create a new configuration file with extension .CFP in the Docal folder (similar to YourEnterprise2.cfp).”

But no .cfp file is created, I do not get an error message.

Can you assist?




Do you get a message saying the username and password for the new database?

If yes, the empty database has been created and the CFP file should be in the same folder as the utility ConexionIDT.exe

Previous to launching the utility, please search the Windows Registry for key "CarpetaLicencia" and remove it in case you find it.

You may also launch the utility from option "Run as administrator" in the right-click context menu.

Hope this helps.


Servicio de Soporte de IDT